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Marbella Life Podcast: #24 Nary Song - Korean Entrepreneur Talks About Beauty, Business & Mindset

Tene Sommer

Today’s guest is the inspiring Nary Song, a Korean entrepreneur who moved to Spain at just 5 years old. After studying hotel management, her journey took a different turn, leading her to build two thriving beauty salons in Marbella - Narybu. Korean culture, with its success-driven and disciplined approach, has played a huge role in shaping Nary’s path, but beyond her expertise in beauty, we dive deep into her passion for self-development, manifesting, and the books that inspire her. Join us as we chat about marriage, mindset, beauty secrets and so much more.

Nary’s Favorite places:

Best breakfast:

Paisana the vibe and all my people is there



La milla

Hacienda patagónica

De Luca


Gourmet in El Corte Inglés

Gaspar typical Spanish food


El Patio in Marbella Club

Thai gallery


Los bandidos

My favorite places:

El casco antiguo

Paseo marítimo

Hotel finca cortesía and beach club finca cortesin

La concha makes my heart happy and it’s the iconic piece of Marbella

The special blue sky of Marbella


Sunset in el Palmar

Ronda I love Ronda

Forum of course

Magna café

Viluz retreat

Favorite books:

I loved, studied and embodied

Conversation with God

The four agreement

Millionaire success habit

The game of life

Think and grow rich

Rich dad and poor dad

7 habits of highly effective people

The Power of Now

What happened to you? The 15 commitments of conscious leadership


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