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Best Natural Baby Teething Remedies

Tene Sommer

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Since everyone said YES to this blog post on my Instagram poll, here it is. I’ve listed here all of my favorite baby teething remedies to ease the discomfort and pain. Amanda currently has her 5th teeth coming out, which is not making too much trouble, but some days I do feel she is more clingy and tries to bite everthing she can get her hands on. So to relieve the pain in her gums, I mainly use the natural teehting oil Punkin Butt, which I sometimes even add on her dummy and also I give her Chamodent pills, which have a great mix of homepathy and it really works. But if I do see the symptoms loud and clear, I also give her a specific homeopathy pill (find the exact list below). I also use the Munchkin sometimes, add a frozen fruit cube in there and also biting a cold fruit or vegetable helps her a lot. Of course the most important remedy is mummy and daddy’s love and hugs, which they then need more than ever!

Specific homeopathy:

Belladonna - when there is intense inflammation and gum pain, with flushing of the face and a feeling of heat. The baby is restless, easily startled, and may tend to cry out during sleep.

Chamomilla - This remedy is often indicated when a child seems extremely irritable or angry and the pain appears to be unbearable. Babies may feel agitated, scream and hit, and want to be rocked or carried constantly to distract them from the pain. The gums may be so tender that touching them is intolerable — or they may feel better from hard pressure and biting down on something cold. Greenish diarrhea that occurs because of teething stress is another indication for Chamomilla.

Pulsatilla - When the baby is very tearful during teething and wants to be constantly held and comforted may respond to this remedy. Biting on something cold may help and warmth increases discomfort. Cool food and drinks or being out in open air also bring improvement.

For the relief of symptoms associated with teething, such as inflamed, painful gums, drooling, difficulty sleeping and irritability.

Chamodent® is a homeopathic medicine that relieves the typical symptoms of teething. Intense salivation, increased temperature, red cheeks, restlessness, altered sleep, altered appetite and diarrhea are symptoms related to the teething process and Chamodent is indicated for its treatment. Composition per 100 mg tablet: Each tablet contains, as active ingredients: Belladonna D6 15mg, Chamomilla D6 15mg, Ferrum phosphoricum D6 15mg, Hepar sulfuris D12 15mg, Pulsatilla D6 15mg.

Find more information about various homepathy remedies for different teething symptoms here:

100% Natural, 100% safe. Natural teething remedy made of essential oils including chamomile, clove and peppermint. Simply massage the teething oil made from chamomile, clove, and peppermint essential oils onto your baby's gums.

Kamistad Baby Gel

This is a gel that I do not use daily, only when I think she really needs some extra help. The therapeutic effect of chamomile protects sensitive gums, cools, soothes irritated skin. Honey flavored, no sugar. The most important and unique component of gel "Kamistad baby" is a liquid extract of chamomile flowers. It is from different pharmacologically active combination of substances, which reduce the inflammation and an antibacterial exhibit antifungal activity and promote healing. Gentle effect of chamomile soothes irritated gums and protects against the potential risk of infection. More info:


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