When our babygirl was between the age of 18-24 months, she really started to show interest in different new toys that she had been ignoring before. But she also kept on playing with toys that were actually meant maybe for younger kids. Of course the learning tower was still a hit, as she feels empowered to climb up and see what I’m cooking, or if she needs to pick up something from the island, she can do it without asking for help. Also other ‘Montessori’ type of practical life activities are her particular favorites - for example helping me empty the dishwasher, helping with the laundry (she passes me the clean items from the basket so I hang them) etc. We have other toys as well, but these are the first ones that came to mind when writing this article and also the main ones!

Learning tower
We started using the learning tower around 19 months, and it’s been a hit ever since! It also folds into a chair and a table - it’s really a must-have for every parent!
Animals & Matching cards
These have been so useful and great to take with you when you’re traveling! The cards I actually got from Aliexpress, click here to see them!

Peppa bus
Since she really likes Peppa Big, I got her a Peppa Pig Bus from the charity shop, but you can get one from Amazon!

She loves all sorts of books, that why we have so many different kids. For example the books of Spot are very cool and fun with the flaps!
Sticker Books
Water books
You can get them also from Aliexpress.
Felt books
Magnetic books
Magnetic tiles
Panda 3D puzzle
I got this 3D puzzle for 18m olds, and she loves it. This shop in Marbella overall has amazing toys and great toys for Montessori as well!