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Baby Tips for 0-3 months: Clothing

Tene Sommer

I’m sure that almost every woman who finds out they’re pregnant goes on Google to search for all the things and questions they might have. And for all the things they might need. At least I did! Of course I spoke to my mother and friends, but it’s still fun and useful to browse the internet, blogs and Pinterest for the ultimate must-have baby items. Also, times change and they invent something new all the time. I’m not saying you should get all the latest gadgets, but that’s why blogs are useful as well as experience and tips from other moms. I created a list of things I thought I needed and also we sent it to our friends and family when they asked what we needed, instead of buying just baby clothes, which everyone gives you anyway) Trust me, I had no idea the amount of clothes we received from our friends and acquaintances!

So I’ll try to keep it short and sweet, here are my main top baby clothing tips (the next one will be about the items) for your newborn up to 3 months (more or less). Some of them I knew, some of them came as an advice and some came via my own experience aka I wish I had known before!

Baby Clothes Tips

- Bodies: The type of clothes you need the most is bodies, since you’ll be spending most of your days home with the baby and they also sleep a lot in the beginning so bodies are the most comfortable clothes for them to wear. So forget about the little shoes and dresses - you can have a few, but let’s be honest, it’s more for one photo - the baby isnt comfortable in them and they’re not practical! (Also it depends on the season, when your baby is born (weather you need long or short sleeve bodies)

- Bodies with zippers (not easy to find but soooo comfortable and quick to change your baby if the bodies have zippers. Here are some brand I know have them are Kissy Kissy, Kiabi, George Asda)

- Wraps - wrap in bodies are also the ones you will use the most, as you don’t have to put them over the babies head, making it easier for you and for the baby! I love the Mori Baby bodies, plus theyre made of organic cotton so theyre really soft and nice! (Baby Mori and Petit Bateau have very nice ones and I also love the Estonian brand MiBe as they use Merino wool and organic materials)

- Clothes that have an opening on the bottom - since you need to change her all the time and you don’t want to take all of her clothes away.

- Pants - as for the newborn pants and even now, I like ‘closed’ pants, meaning you dont need to put socks making it easier for you and the baby! (H&M has a few and I found some also in Zara and in Alcampo in La Canada)

- Socks & gloves - That was something I didn’t buy, but I ended up needed some socks when she had a short body on and I felt that the toes were a bit chilly! And the little gloves are useful for the nighttime, as they scratch their faces otherwise!

- Hats: newborns need to wear a hat when you go outside, whether it’s summer or winter, so get a few!

- Blankets & muslins: Again something I didn’t think about that much before, but having really comfy soft blankets and muslins is a must - I loved my Baby Mori muslins and also pima cotton blankets are so lovely and soft - you only want the best fabrics on your newborns skin! If you get smaller muslins, you can also use them later on when they start drooling to wipe the milk and drool! If you’d like to get some personalised blankets and clothes, then check out My 1st Years!

- Bath towel: We got a super soft cotton towel as a present from King of Cotton that we still use and I also got a lovely hooded thinner towel to dry her and wrap her in after drying with the big towel!

- Clothing - I bought the essentials for our baby, such as the bodies, gloves, hats etc but like I said, we got a lot of clothes as presents, since everyone loves the tiny baby clothes! But also get a few sizes and take them with you to the hospital (starting from the 50cm, as you don’t know how big/small your baby will be when she’s born!).

Here are also some of the online shops for baby clothes I like listed from the most affordable ones to the most expensive:

- Primark (in Miramar, Fuengirola)

- Alcampo (online and in La Canada)

- Kiabi (has also selection of organic cotton clothing)

- Dunnes Stores (online and in Miramar, Fuegirola)

- C&A (online and in La Canada)

- H&M (online and in Marina Banus & La Canada)

- Zara & Zara home (online and in Marina Banus & La Canada)

- El Corte Ingles Outlet - Oportunidades in Marbella centre

- El Corte Ingles - Petit Bateau, Cotton Juice etc (online & in Puerto Banus)

- Kissy Kissy (Pima cotton - online via Children’s Salon shop)

- Magnolia (Pima cotton - online via Children’s Salon shop)

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